In recent years the community has engrossed upon a reinvigorated threat by the far right racists and islamaphobes in the form of the EDL and others. There have been several attacks and an intimidation campaign waged by these extremists.
Recently there has been a surge of threats, destructions to property and assaults on our community by the members of the EDL and other racists. They have tried to tump up sympathy and support by using a murder in another part of London to push their agenda.
The Aasha Gang Mediation Project is holding a Public seminar where we want to highlight the plight of our community under the threat of the far right who continue to terrorize. The public need to be given a platform so as they can air and share their concerns for better response from the authority. Come and offer your support and your suggestions.
Date of Event: Tuesday 04th June 2013
Time of Event: 6.30pm – 8.00pm