
Please find below our most recent publications:

Invitation to Tender for Building Works

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting tenders for building works at Osmani Centre. This opportunity is open to experienced contractors who can deliver high-quality construction and renovation services. Full tender details, including project scope and submission guidelines, are available on the link below. We encourage interested parties to submit their bids by the specified deadline.



Invitation for Tendering_OT Eco Capital Works

Impact Report – Changing Futures

Changing Futures Impact Report 2022-23

Report Highlights

  • 114 young people (YP) engaged in the programme
  • 67 YP volunteered and became peer workers
  • 250 one-to-one mentoring sessions delivered
  • 320 detached youth work sessions carried out in crime/ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) hotspots
  • 55 peer workers attended team-building exercises
  • 11 peer workers went into paid employment for 6+months, after completing the Pret Rising Stars programme
  • 1 Peer Worker secured employment with Osmani Trust
  • 1 Peer Worker secured employment with UPS
  • 1 Peer Worker secured employment in the security industry

Changing Futures (CF) aims to empower and change the lives of young people in Tower Hamlets who are marginalised and those not in employment, education, or training (NEET). The project engages young people at risk of or involvement in gangs, youth crime, drugs and alcohol abuse, drug dealing and anti-social behaviour (ASB). The project is funded by Islamic Relief UK, as part of their initiative to support communities in the UK.

Shaathi Service Impact

The Shaathi team conducted and completed an internal evaluation early this year to assess the Impact we are having on the lives of those who we are serving.

Attached are some of the results of our intervention which has been delivered from April 2011 – March 2012.

Annual Report 2010

Please find attached our most recent annual report. We hope that you enjoy reading this report as much as I have enjoyed compiling it.


OC Newsletter 4th Edition

Please find attached the link to the 4th edition of our quarterly newsletter the OC. The newsletter also features some of the exciting activities that young people have taken part in over the last few months.

OC Newsletter 3rd edition

Please find attached the link to the 3rd edition of our quarterly newsletter the OC. The newsletter also features some of the exciting activities that young people have taken part in over the last few months along with Snowdonia Challenge.

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