
Summer Fever 2012

Summer Fever 2012

Hurry! Places are already getting filled up. Osmani Trust are hosting a Summer Fever for everyone who is aged between 9 – 18 years. We are running various activities from: Mixed Martial Arts Various Sports T-shirt & Banner Printing Go Karting Cardrome Driving School Competitions Jet Skiing London Zoo Accredited Training etc. If you are… Read more

Summer Football Session 2012!!

Summer Football Session 2012!!

Tower Hamlets Sports Development Team and Osmani Trust are delivering fun based football sessions for young people between the ages of 6-18 years old at; The Chicksand Pitch aka ‘Gutt’ on the Chicksand Estate, Chicksand Street and Allen Gardens, London E1 This is a short Summer Project that will run from week commencing Monday 23… Read more

Youth Sites 2012

Youth Sites 2012

Youth Sites 2012 … Osmani Trust is offering sports, food, live screenings of the Olympic Games … giving local youngsters the next best thing to a front row seat at the games. So make sure you come along if you want to get active, try new sports and make new friends. So what are YOU… Read more

Building Positive Relationships

Building Positive Relationships

Amaal is happy to announce the launch of a new project  Building Positive Relationships (BPR) in partnership with Jagonari Womens Resource centre.  This is an exciting new initiative building on the work of Amaal and Jagonari and will help to fill a gap in the support available for families. BPR will work with a targeted… Read more

Get Fit For Purpose Before The Games!

Get Fit For Purpose Before The Games!

GET FIT FOR PURPOSE BEFORE THE GAMES Become a member of THCVS for only £30 and attend any of our training courses for FREE until 27th July 2012. Offer also applies to existing members. Coming soon: Getting to Grips with Commissioning: Pts I & II 1pm-4.30pm Wednesday 4th & 11th July 2012 Osmani Centre, Whitechapel… Read more

Community First: Small Grants for local communities

Community First: Small Grants for local communities

Osmani Trust has successfully registered three wards in LAP 1 & 2 for Communities First – an Office of the Third Sector funding programme. There are small grants of £250 – £2,500 available for community members and groups who are working in or from the following wards: 1)      Mile End and Globe Town 2)      Bethnal… Read more

Olympic Fever

Olympic Fever

Girls Girls Girls… COME ALONG to a JAM-PACKED half-term programme this JUNE! For girls aged 11-19! Activities will include: Sandwich making Football T-shirt painting Canvas decorating Badminton Cycling Tennis Glass painting  Limited spaces, so register now!!! For more information, contact: Alema Akhtar Holiday Project Co-ordinator Osmani Trust Osmani Centre 58 Underwood Road London E1 5AW… Read more

Can Do Community Grant

Can Do Community Grant

What Are They? These are small grants of up to £500 available to individual community members or informal community groups. (This funding is not available to large organisations). So far, over 240 grants have been awarded across Tower Hamlets. What Can The Grant Pay For? Your project must show that it supports members of your… Read more

Inspiring Changes featuring reformed gang members

Inspiring Changes featuring reformed gang members

“You have inspired me so much to keep up my fight and struggle and never give up doing what I’m doing…” As Metropolitan Police carried out more than 500 arrests as part of their newly launched Trident Gang Crime Command, a community grass roots project in East London welcomed more than 500 mostly young people through its… Read more

play studio