What Are They?
These are small grants of up to £500 available to individual community members or informal community groups. (This funding is not available to large organisations). So far, over 240 grants have been awarded across Tower Hamlets.
What Can The Grant Pay For?
Your project must show that it supports members of your local community to be more physically active or to eat well and maintain a healthy weight. You must coordinate the project on a voluntary basis.
How Do I Apply?
To apply for the grant you will need to contact the Community Development Worker, based in the appropriate Local Area Partnership (LAP) and ask for an application form.
What Support Can I Get With The Application Form?
Community Development Workers can help you work on a project application and will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you.
Osmani Trust (Lap 1 and 2)
58 Underwood Road
London E1 5AW
T: 0207 247 8080
E: cando@osmanitrust.org