Archive - Osmani Trust, Author at Osmani Trust - Page 8 of 56

Public Meeting on Acid Attacks and Community Safety

Tower Hamlets Communities Raise Concerns with Mayor Biggs at Public Meeting on Acid Attacks and Community Safety Osmani Trust organised a Public Meeting on Weds 13th Sept at the Osmani Centre to; To inform public regarding what the local authority, police and other agencies are doing about community safety in general and acid attacks in… Read more

Public Meeting – Acid Attacks, Crime and Community Safety in Tower Hamlets

6pm – 7.30pm Weds 13th September, Osmani Centre 58 Underwood Rd, London E1 5AW To inform the public about what the local authority, police and other agencies are doing about community safety in general and acid attacks in particular in light of a number of incidences in Tower Hamlets and East London in the past… Read more

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