When it comes to managing money, there isn’t enough advice and support to help us budget properly and deal with our debt and financial problems. We’d like to secure your support for our Money Matters project, which will improve everyone’s financial literacy and money management skills. We will hire a professional Financial Advisor to deliver… Read more
Archive - Osmani Trust, Author at Osmani Trust - Page 5 of 56
Mental Health Wellbeing Club – We need your votes!
Mental Health is high on the public agenda these days – one thing everyone agrees is that there isn’t enough support and services out there to help those suffering. Help us do something to change that today – Please click the link, register and vote for our project to get funded to deliver the following; https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/campaign/getinvolved… Read more
Youth Innovation Fund How would you use £2,000? Applications for Youth Innovation Fund is now OPEN!!! We have extended the deadline for the Youth Innovation Fund to the Thursday the 15th November 2018. We are looking to fund projects that can demonstrate 1 or more the following outcomes in their application Young people have an increased sense of agency in… Read more
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Osmani Trust calls out for votes to bag a share of Tesco’s bag fund
Osmani Trust is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative. Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to local community projects. Three groups in every Tesco region… Read more
Osmani Youth Club
Family Mentoring Programme
The Shaathi Family Support and Mentoring Programme is both a prevention and intervention programme seeking to work with families that are at risk of breaking down and/or are facing multiple social, financial or health related difficulties. The programme has been developed to support vulnerable young people and families living in the London Borough of Tower… Read more
Young People Mentoring Programme
The young people mentoring programme implements an early intervention approach, providing a tailored one to one mentoring service to disadvantaged young people aged 10-17. Young people are referred to Shaathi by Tower Hamlets Children’s Social Care, Schools and other agencies. These young people may be in care, on the young person protection register or known… Read more