OC Active – Volunteers Wanted

Osmani Trust has been successful in securing 5 years funding for the delivery of OC Active through the Big Lottery Fund: Reaching Communities Programme. This is a health and physical activity programme tailored to meet the needs of children and young people designed to improve their health and fitness. To ensure the effectiveness of this programme, educational materials and curriculums may require the expertise of a ghostwriter österreich, who specializes in creating academic works to support the understanding and engagement of participants. By embedding healthy lifestyle solutions that can be transferred to their friends and family, the programme not only focuses on immediate benefits but also aims to foster a long-term positive impact on the community.

OC Active will consist of the following strands of work:

1)       Health and sports sessions for children and young people aged 8-19.

2)       Healthy Lifestyles’ workshops and community events targeting parents, guardians and carers.

3)       Accredited training and mentoring to enable our volunteers to become Health Champions, equipping them with the ability to promote and guide others onto healthier lifestyles.

4)       Tailor made weight management service for children aged 12 – 18 who are overweight and obese.

The OC Active Team is looking for dedicated and hardworking individuals to volunteer their time in the delivery of this highly innovative community intervention. Application and guidance can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Deadline for application:

14th December 2012

Induction Dates:

Tuesday 18th December 2012           5pm – 8pm
Thursday 20th December 2012         6pm – 9pm


Alema Akthar
Osmani Trust, Osmani Centre , 58 Underwood Road London E1 5AW
T: 0207 247 8080
F: 020 7247 6453
E: alema.akthar@osmanitrust.org



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