Archive - December 2010 - Osmani Trust
Fair attracts hundreds for vacancies and training

The Training and Employment Fair organised by the Education & Employment Project of Osmani Trust witnessed over 200 eager visitors to the Osmani Youth Centre, Vallance Road on Wednesday 03 November 2010. The Fair in the Third year running saw numerous job seekers applying for vacancies and enrolling for training and courses that were on… Read more
Osmani Badminton Academy

On Sunday 17th of October 2010, Osmani Badminton Academy held a charity Badminton tournament to raise money for the new Osmani Centre. Having already held a successful tournament in July 2010 the response was very high and at one point there were over 36 teams wanting to participate. However, due to time constraints the initial… Read more
Lord Mayor Visit
Mayor Visits Osmani Trust

The new Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Michael Bear, accompanied by his wife Lady Mayoress Barbara Bear, visited the Osmani Trust yesterday to see some of the work of the organisation, meet with young people and lend their support for the new Osmani Centre being built at the corner of Vallance Road… Read more
Gala Awards 2010
A Spectacular Night to Remember

Over 500 people attended the Osmani Trust Awards Gala on Wednesday 24 November 2010 held at the Waterlilly in Whitechapel. This annual event celebrates the achievements and contributions of local people. It recognises the commitment, dedication and hard work of those people, despite the challenges and barriers, work towards making a difference in their lives… Read more